#26 The Captain's Log

Tonight I am inviting you
to navigate with me to an island called Pleasure.
I will give you the coordinates so we
can find the lost treasure.
You start from the North,
touching every strand of my hair
with tender, love and care.
I will show you the 
constellations in the sky.
We navagate the seven seas.
Come on Captain, this 
waves getting high.
On latitude and longitude 69
you will see fire
not an ice.
A crazy volcano come up of nowhere.
Come on Captain, just take care.
If the sails is lofting
just follow the wind.
You will be surprised 
What's nature is capable of.
One minute you in calm 
next a thunderstorm.
So, Come on Captain.
Let's move on.
We almost there
on an island called 
Just put the boat at the right spot
And let's find that lost treasure.
©️Renata Clarke-Gray 


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