#106 Nunca Fui, Mas Eu Tenho...(I've Never Been, But I Have ... )

Nunca fui como todos!
Nunca fui favorita 
Mas tenho muitos amigos.
Nunca fui o que meus pais queriam
Que eu fosse
Mas tenho o que eu busquei.
Nunca fui bonita
Mas tenho o carisma que muitos
Gostariam de ter.
Nunca acreditei que alguém 
Pudesse me amar
Mas hoje tenho vários amores
De todas as maneiras,
Formas e cores... 
Nunca pensei que viajaria
Para outro país 
Mas hoje conheço lugares inesquecíveis...
Nunca fui o que queria ser
Mas tenho o que foi
Me permitido ter! 

Never been like everyone!
I was never a favorite 
But I have many friends.
I was never what my parents 
Wanted me to be
But I have what I sought.
I was never beautiful 
But I have the charisma that many 
Would like to have.
I never believed anyone could love me 
But today I have several loves 
In every way, shapes and colors ... 
I never thought I would travel 
To another country 
But today I know unforgettable places ... 
I was never what I wanted to be 
But I have what was 
Allowed me to have!


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