#52 The Taxi Driver (O Motorista De Taxi)

They exchanged glances
through the rear view mirror.
Her mouth was dry...
Her body,sweat...
She felt that he was taking
Her clothes off just with his eyes...
She felt naked and naughty!
She wondering if he was
Feeling the heat between them...
Because she need him
To put the fire out.

Eles trocaram olhares
Pelo espelho retrovisor.
Sua boca estava seca ...
Seu corpo, suado...
Ela sentiu que ele estava
Dispindo-a apenas com os olhos ...
Ela se sentiu nua e safada!
Ela se perguntou se ele estava
Sentindo uma quentura entre eles ...
Porque ela precisa dele
Para apagar o fogo.


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